Hey man you still available we are looking for a singer for 90s cover band and rock hits if you are interested let me know also my other band friends need a drummer for the same style thank you send me a email to paulcuadrosaguilar@gmail.com.
A stinging polemic that traces the destructive monopolization of the Internet by Google, Facebook and Amazon, and that proposes a new future for musicians, journalists, authors and filmmakers in the digital age. - http://www.jontaplin.com/the-book/
"Move Fast and Break Things" is the most important book yet about the tragic consequences of monopoly power in the internet. Google, Facebook and Amazon have done wonderful things, but by a combination of design and unintended consequences, they have caused great harm to the creative arts, our culture and (in the case of Google and Facebook) our politics.
Hey this is steve also looking to start something play rythym guitar I'm in a band but they are not serious you can contact me. At stephenditzel@yahoo.com or call me. 516-424-8497 thanks
Collaborators Needed! - Our new Long Island Musician and music services website site is looking for Artists, Curators, Editors and Collaborators. The goal is to help local musicians, live music venues and musician services work together and grow.
34 yrs old.I sang back in the day in a few bands but it has been years. Starting to get the itch again.Seattle sound Pearl Jam,Nirvana, Staind etc. Live in Nassau County,Long Island NY. Let me know if your interested. Thanks