Long Island Musicians Classifieds
Newly formed covers band, with rented practice studio, needs another guitarist and male singer
If you're a pro, looking for instant work, we're not there yet, dont waste your dime.
If you're a serious and dedicated musician, who will attend rehearsals, financially able to
chip in on the studio rent ($375 divided by 6-7 people) , looking to play outside gigs in early
2006, please give me a call at 516-965-1609 or email me at mhoulroyd@yahoo.com to tell me
about yourself and setup an audition. We have 5 pieces: guitar, bass, female singer, drum and
keyboard. If you're a bass player and would like to audition, give a call/ email, I'm currently the
bass player but can be flexible and can move back to guitar, if it helps the band.
We've been working on Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, James Gang, Doobie Bros, Stone Temple
Pilots, No Doubt, Fleetwood Mac covers. Ultimately we would like to do originals.
Good opportunity for hungry and dedicated musician.