Purpose: The purpose of this ministry is to act as the Director of Music as an accompanist and to coordinate and provide leadership for the growing and vibrant music program of Oceanside Lutheran Church (OLC).
Imaginative and willing to work creatively to develop and grow OLCs music ministry;
Must exhibit a high level of professionalism and proficiency in all kinds of music or performance;
Willingness to explore different forms of music for use in the worship service;
·Must have strong organizational skills;
·Possesses excellent verbal and interpersonal communication ability with strong emphasis on listening and problem solving;
·Ability to work cooperatively within the church staff and volunteers.
·Availability to facilitate music at the 10am worship service year round as well as additional services such as Holy Week, Christmas and others;
·Work with dedicated and non-professional singers to teach new music and lead weekly choir rehearsal, ultimately conducting a musical offering during weekly services, September June;
·Meet with Music and Worship Team once per month to plan musical offerings and congregational singing;
·Cooperate with the Music and Worship Team to manage the selection and purchase of all music used in the church;
·Plan and develop music that invites people into a deeper experience of God;
·Recruit actively to increase participation in the music program, focusing especially on youth participation;
·Coordinate various musicians to perform and lead worship on Sundays;
oWork within a budget of $3,000 per year to coordinate musicians;